
Looking for an interesting graduation assignment?

At Fenêtre you can learn a lot during a fun project

We stand for professionalism, quality and results and that is reflected in everything. Professional specialism, knowledge and skills are valued.
Because we carry out different types of projects, the work is challenging and varied.
Even if you work with us part-time. With each project we reconsider what role you can fill.

Challenging assignments?

Do you want to get the most out of your graduation assignment? Then view our current graduation assignments. Do you have a cool idea yourself? We would also like to get in touch with you. You can design your own assignment in consultation. After all, this is how the best assignments are created!

Learn from experienced developers

As a graduate you work on the most challenging projects. Projects with a complex character and anything but standard and boring. That is why we employ the smartest developers and you can learn everything from them. We also give you useful tips when writing your graduation proposal and thesis. So that you can complete your studies with a top grade.

We challenge you to push the boundaries. We do hold your hand all the way, but give you the space to develop yourself. Are you stuck or would you like to spar with colleagues? Then you can always reach out to them. That's the great thing about an open and accessible culture.

Fenêtre team at work at their desks

Really become part of the team

When you do an internship or a graduation assignment at Fenêtre you are really part of the team. We work hard when necessary, but there is also room for a bit of fun. You will have lunch with us, you are welcome to our monthly meet-ups and subsequent dinner with all colleagues. Every year we go away with the team for a weekend to a nice city. Then of course you will also come along. And not unimportantly: you will receive a market-based internship allowance.

Do we mutually agree on a good working relationship? Then we are happy to discuss you joining the team more permanently after your internship or graduation.

Fenêtre team at work in The Hague
Fenêtre Kantoor Den haag route
“I enjoyed a very supportive atmosphere, with supervisors always willing to give us their time and answer all our questions. I had a great experience together with my student team for our software project here.”
- Internship team 2023, Student
Fenêtre team at work
Fenêtre employee at work
The Hague office

We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Any questions? Get in touch with us today. 

Eric Kruis)